
Asbestos has been used by mankind for several thousand years, with the earliest written reference to asbestos being dated to approximately 300 B.C. There are also many documented references from the Roman Empire. The use of asbestos in building materials accelerated in the 1890s. 精炼和制造的进步使石棉的使用扩展到数百种工业和商业应用.

虽然这些含石棉的产品曾经是(现在仍然是)最适合其各自用途的产品之一, 石棉使用的增加扩大了接触石棉的人口规模. 与职业和非职业接触石棉有关的健康影响可造成严重的人类疾病. Although asbestos continues to be used worldwide, 这些石棉引起的疾病的潜在影响促使美国公共卫生当局控制石棉的使用. 正在进行的联邦和州项目监督防止环境释放和减少现有石棉来源的努力.

理解, 接受和自愿遵守有关石棉的联邦和州法规和建议程序将防止被引用和罚款, and tremendously reduce the risk of asbestos exposure.

EPA Recommendations on Asbestos Removal

因为当含石棉的材料受到干扰时,石棉纤维就有可能释放到环境中, 环境保护署(EPA)不建议仅为去除石棉而去除含石棉材料(ACMs). EPA的建议是,只有在执行操作和维护任务时必要时才干扰acm, renovations and demolition activity. All applicable regulations and procedures must be adhered to, regardless of the reason for the disturbance.


The term asbestos refers to a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals. The most common types of asbestos minerals in this group are chrysotile, 铁石棉, 青石棉, 透闪石, anthophyllite and actinolite. 温石棉, 铁石棉, 青橄榄石是商业和工业应用的主要品种. Asbestos was found to be useful in many applications because it is insulating, 防火, heat-resistant and chemically inert.

While asbestos can enter the environment from weathered natural mineral deposits, 我们在工作场所最担心的是人造含石棉材料释放出的纤维. Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) include products such as floor tiles, 粘合剂, 屋顶瓦, 水泥, acoustical and structural insulations, plumbing and electrical insulations and automotive brakes. Asbestos fibers may be released into the air when these products are disturbed.

The greatest concern regarding asbestos exposure is airborne asbestos fibers. 将含有石棉的空气吸入肺部将极有可能导致石棉相关疾病. Some of the asbestos fibers reaching the lungs are exhaled as we breathe, and others are coughed from the lungs, 但是到达肺部最深处的空气通道的纤维会造成最大的伤害. 

The digestive system can be exposed to asbestos fibers from drinking water, 从肺中清除的黏液和吃了含有空气中沉淀的石棉纤维的食物. A small number of fibers may penetrate the cells that line the digestive system, but only a few will reach the bloodstream and be eliminated in the urine. 那些残留在消化道细胞中的纤维有可能引发石棉相关疾病.

Asbestos fibers contacting the skin rarely pass through the skin into the body.

世界杯官方app石棉对人类健康影响的信息主要来自对人们(主要是矿工)的长期研究, 制造业工人和建筑业工人)在工作场所接触石棉. 吸入石棉的人可能会在肺部慢慢形成疤痕样组织. This condition is called asbestosis. 这种疤痕组织损害了肺部为身体吸收氧气的能力. This is a serious disease and can eventually lead to disability and death. 那些吸入石棉的人患致命肺癌或间皮癌的几率也会增加. These asbestos-related diseases will not appear immediately, but may take 10 to 50 years to develop following exposure.

No. 石棉接触和石棉相关疾病很像吸烟和吸烟相关疾病. Exposure increases the risk, but does not automatically mean that an individual will develop a related disease. 然而, 长期接触或高浓度接触大量石棉似乎更危险. 目前正在进行研究,以更好地确定短期和低浓度接触石棉的风险.

用来确定你是否接触过石棉的最常见的测试是胸部x光. The x-ray cannot detect the asbestos fibers themselves, but can detect early signs of lung disease caused by asbestos exposure. A pulmonary function test (PFT), which determines lung capacity, is another useful test in determining early signs of lung disease. Periodic medical examinations including a chest x-ray, PFT and a review of asbestos-based risk factors can be effective. 石棉危险因素包括接触石棉的时间长短、程度和频率以及吸烟史. 吸烟和接触石棉纤维的综合影响大大增加了患肺病的机会.

You should not be alarmed by warnings, but do 尊重 them. Understand that the purpose of the warning is informational, and that a danger exists if item is misused or mistreated.

Most of the time, the answer to this question is “no.“家中使用的最常见的含石棉材料是地砖、屋顶和壁板. 这些材料非常坚固,除非受到非常强的力,否则不会轻易破碎和释放石棉纤维. 偶尔, 其他材料,如管道保温和保温材料用于家庭建筑. If you believe you may have these types of materials in your home, and you are considering renovation or demolition of the structure, 你应寻求石棉顾问的帮助,以协助你决定需要采取的适当行动.

环境保护署(EPA)有害空气污染物国家排放标准(NESHAP)要求在任何翻新或拆除工作开始之前进行调查以确定建筑物中石棉的存在. 在德克萨斯州, we also have the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules (TAHPR), which apply to public buildings. The Texas Department of Health (TDH) enforces TAHPR, and is also delegated by the EPA, the authority to enforce NESHAP regulations. 所有这些规定还要求在任何翻新或拆除项目开始之前进行通知. 除了, TAHPR还包含了对进行调查和石棉清除的公司和个人的许可的进一步要求.

TAHPR requires licensing in the following categories: contractors, 项目主管, 工人, 咨询顾问, 管理规划, 检查员, 空气监测, 实验室, transporters and training providers. To obtain a license, you must provide proof of appropriate training. All training and licensing is valid for one year.